Dr Easton Patrick's Article in Alternative Medicine

689 Effective Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing and Detoxification
Colon cleansing reduces the risk of colon cancer, boosts immunity system and improves digestive process. It helps to get rid of diarrhea, constipation and gas problems.
Posted on Jul-01-2011

864 Effective Home Remedies for Candida Infections
Candida infections typically occurs in the mouth, esophagus, and in the vagina. It can spread to other parts of the body, including brain, eyes, lungs, heart, skin, and joints.
Posted on Jul-01-2011

498 Effective Home Remedies for Bruises - Get Natural Relief
Bruises mainly occur when the small blood vessels under the skin are damaged or ruptured. It can happen due to various reasons such as hitting or banging against objects or hard surfaces, painstaking exercises, and delicate condition of the skin.
Posted on Jul-01-2011

1285 Effective Home Remedies for Eye Puffiness and Dark Circles
Eye puffiness and dark circles can be very effectively removed by effective home remedies. These natural remedies are extremely helpful to deal with bags under eyes and improve skin around the eyes.
Posted on Jun-30-2011

526 Baldness Causes and Natural Home Remedies
Baldness is a metabolic disorder characterized by falling off of hair or thinning that results in bald patches or total loss of hair. It is more prevalent in males than in females.
Posted on Jun-24-2011

838 Backache - Causes And Home Remedies
Backache is something which most people complain of these days. Back pain may be accompanied by symptoms like numbness, weakness and tingling sensation.
Posted on Jun-24-2011

777 Natural Cures For Acid Reflux And Heartburn - Common Digestive Problem
Heartburn caused by acid reflux action is one among the commonly seen digestive problem. It, formed as a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease is characterized by severe chest pain, sour taste in mouth, coughing, wheezing, sore throat and regurgitation of food.
Posted on Jun-19-2011

484 Natural Cure For Bacterial Vaginosis - An Infection Caused By Bacterial Flora
Bacterial vaginosis, characterized by odorous vaginal discharge is an infection caused by an imbalance of bacterial flora. Causes for this problem are multifaceted.
Posted on Jun-19-2011

606 Natural Remedies for Lack of Energy and Tiredness
Lack of energy is related with the problem of fatigue. In this condition you will get the feeling of weariness, tiredness, lethargy or lack of energy.
Posted on Jun-13-2011

532 Herbal Remedies for Fatigue, Low Energy and Weakness
For our normal physical activity like walking, hiking and performing some essential daily work you require energy. When there is a low supply of energy to our muscles then it results into a condition of weakness.
Posted on Jun-13-2011

499 Home Remedies for Freckles - Natural Treatment
Freckles are not common skin ailment, unlike other skin marking we looked at, but the home remedies can easily treat this skin ailment effectually. These are small circular spots of melanin which are flat, and more common in peoples having fair complexion.
Posted on Jun-13-2011

1243 Colitis - Causes And Home Remedies
Colitis is a disorder of the inner lining of colon which is the part of large intestine between rectum and cecum. Colitis leads to ulcer around the walls of colon and rupturing of the colon walls.
Posted on May-31-2011

1257 Causes And Home Remedies For Asthma - Prevent Asthmatic Attacks
Asthma is a disorder affecting the air ways of the lungs. Chronic inflammation of the air ways makes a person asthma patient.
Posted on May-31-2011

983 Causes of Arthritis And Its Home Remedies
Arthritis is a degenerative joint problem characterized by wearing out of joints. Joints are the union of two or more bones.
Posted on May-31-2011

667 Alcoholism - Causes And Home Remedies To Control The Urge
Alcoholism is the practice of drinking and it gradually takes the shape of addiction. Alcoholism begins with occasional drinking, but soon it becomes a regular habit.
Posted on May-31-2011

678 20 Effective Acidity Home Remedies That Will Help Relieve The Problem
Acidity occurs due to excessive acid formation in stomach that irritates the gastrointestinal lining, causing a blazing pain. Due to the acid reflux, the esophagus becomes dysfunctional and may develop ulcers even.
Posted on May-31-2011

757 Best Stop Smoking Aid For Heavy Smokers
Smoking, one of the prime causes of cancer is a practice of inhalation of tobacco or cannabis. Persistent smoking may lead to several health complications like coronary heart disease, lung cancer and mouth cancer.
Posted on May-27-2011

477 Best Quit Smoking Product - Treatment Of Heavy Smokers
Smoking, one among the main causes of lung cancer and coronary heart diseases. Generally, it is difficult to quit this smoking habit.
Posted on May-27-2011

501 Best Natural Thyroid Supplement - Treatment Of Hypothyroidism
Thyroid, a butterfly shaped gland located in the throat is one of the largest endocrine glands in body. Symptoms of thyroid problems mainly depend upon the age of the person and the cause of the problem.
Posted on May-27-2011

509 Recommended Natural Asthma Relief Treatment
Asthma is an inflammatory chronic lung disease characterized by versatile symptoms like sneezing, coughing and wheezing. Know the recommended natural asthma relief treatment.
Posted on May-10-2011

484 Best Natural Insomnia Remedies - Improve Quality of Sleep
Insomnia is a sleep disorder faced by many people nowadays. Poor quality of sleep for a long period may take a toll on the person's health.
Posted on May-06-2011

536 Omega 3-6-9 Supplements Act Miraculously In Preventing Sudden Cardio-Vascular Attacks
Omega 3 fatty acids maintain the cardiovascular health of body. Omega 3-6-9 supplements act miraculously in preventing sudden strokes or cardio-vascular attacks.
Posted on May-03-2011

2419 Best Genital Herpes Treatment - Quicker Relief From Irritating Symptoms
Genital herpes is a bothering condition rendering helpless situation with constant itching and burning of the herpes blisters. This can cause a lot of stress and anxiety greatly hampering your lifestyle.
Posted on May-03-2011

497 Best Liver Cleanse Detox Supplement That Eliminates Impurities From Liver
Liver is a vital and most hardworking organ of human body, performing a wide range of functions. Know about the best liver cleanse detox supplement.
Posted on May-02-2011